Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Geographic Information Systems

Geographical information directly comes from the Real World observation, therefore the sources are multiple and qualities may be very different: inaccuracy, uncertainty and (spatial) incompleteness lead to many imperfections on data. Reasoning with such information, requires suitable representation and processing.
The purpose of this workshop is to promote interaction about the potential applications of artificial intelligence approaches in the context of spatio-temporal reasoning in GIS.

Technical program

The workshop will focus on spatio-temporal reasoning with uncertainty in the context of GIS and the topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

Special session:
Presentation of the first results of the REVIGIS European IST Project, which objectives are to: Program committee:
Marie-Odile Cordier (IRISA, university of Rennes 1. France) Jim Delgrande (Simon Fraser university. Canada) Robert Jeansoulin (LIM, CNRS Marseille. France) Gérard Ligozat (LIMSI, Paris-Sud university . France) Odile Papini (SIS, university of Toulon. France) Monique Rolbert (LIM, Marseille. France) Torsten Schaub (university of Postdam. Germany) V.S. Subrahmanian (university of Maryland. USA) Erik Sandewall ( Linköping university. Sweden) Mike Worboys (university of Keele. United kingdom)

Submission format:
We strongly encourage the submission of research papers according the topic above, the submission preferably is electronic to both : and not more than 15 pages in the same format than ECSQARU conference /call.html, otherwise 3 hard copies to the workshop responsibles (see address below).

submission deadline : april 30th 2001 acceptance decision : may 30th 2001
camera-rady copy due : june 30th 2001


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Robert Jeansoulin
Departement des Sciences Geomatiques
Pavillon Casault,
Universite Laval Québec, Qc, CANADA - G1K 7P4
Tel: +1 418- 656-2131, extension 8732
      or 656-2530 secretary
Fax: +1 418- 656-7411
Email:< br>Web:
Odile Papini
Laboratoire SIS. Faculté des Sciences et Techniques.
Université de Toulon et du Var.
BP 132. 83957 La Garde. FRANCE.
Tel: (33) (0) 4 94 14 26 56
Fax: (33) (0) 4 94 14 26 33
Web: /~papini/sources/indexfr.htm